The shoulder joint is a highly mobile joint between the shoulder blade (also called ‘scapula’) and the arm (also called ‘humerus’). The shoulder joint connects the upper body to the arm. Its function is to allow positioning of the hand enabling it to perform various tasks. It is commonly affected by sports injuries and wear and tear. When affected, it causes pain, restricted movementor instability, which compromises the overall function of the upper limb.
At MedSpire Clinic, we have world-class surgeons who have expertise in diagnosing and treating simple to complex shoulder conditions, with either non-invasive procedures or very complex procedures.
The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons wrapped around the shoulder joint like a cuff. In addition to stabilizing the joint, it also provides the strength to perform various functions. It can get affected with inflammation (tendonitis) or a tear. A rotator cuff tear is a common condition which can happen following an injury, orcan be related to wear and tear. It can cause pain, restricted movement and weakness in the shoulder joint. It can sometimes cause arthritis (Rotator cuff arthropathy). Most of the time, it can be treated non-operatively with painkillers, physiotherapy, and steroid injection. Ifsymptoms are not improving you will be advised surgical treatment, this can range from arthroscopic surgery such as a rotator cuff repair, superior capsular reconstruction or a joint replacement. Your specialist will advise you regarding surgery in the case of an acute tear, or for young patients.
High mobility of the shoulder joint renders it prone to dislocation, this is when the arm bone (‘humerus’) loses contact with shoulder blade ‘scapula’. This can occur due to a sports injury, an accident, or due to muscle imbalance. Your surgeon will give you pain relief and perform immediate closed reduction, following which a short period of immobilization will be recommended. However, dislocation of the shoulder joint causes tears in the soft tissue structure inside the shoulder ‘labrum’ (labral tear or Bankart lesion), it can also cause a fracture in the glenoid (Bony Bankart), or compression in humerus bone (Hill Sachs lesion). This damage can cause recurrent dislocation or instability. The damage can happen in front of or behind the joint (anterior labral tear or posterior labral tear). Less commonly, it may be associated with a tear in the ligaments on the humeral side (Humeral avulsion of Glenohumeral Ligament, HAGL lesion). You will experience pain, a popping sensation, or frank dislocation in the joint. If left untreated it can lead to arthritis at a young age. You will be advised physical therapy by our expert physiotherapist, and this can improve the symptoms in majority of patients. However, if the dislocations are not controlled by physical therapy, especially in young patients, you will be advised to undergo arthroscopic surgery with soft tissue or bony reconstruction, prior to which you are likely to need advanced imaging in the form of a CT scan or MRI scan. Shoulder dislocations can occur in elderly patients possibly causing a rotator cuff tear, and this will be treated with non-operative measures initially. If you still feel weakness in the shoulder, your surgeon will advisearthroscopic repair of the torn tendons, preferably within 3 months of the injury.
The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons wrapped around the shoulder joint like a cuff. In addition to stabilizing the joint, it also provides the strength to perform various functions. It can get affected with inflammation (tendonitis) or a tear. A rotator cuff tear is a common condition which can happen following an injury, orcan be related to wear and tear. It can cause pain, restricted movement and weakness in the shoulder joint. It can sometimes cause arthritis (Rotator cuff arthropathy). Most of the time, it can be treated non-operatively with painkillers, physiotherapy, and steroid injection. Ifsymptoms are not improving you will be advised surgical treatment, this can range from arthroscopic surgery such as a rotator cuff repair, superior capsular reconstruction or a joint replacement. Your specialist will advise you regarding surgery in the case of an acute tear, or for young patients.
The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons wrapped around the shoulder joint like a cuff. In addition to stabilizing the joint, it also provides the strength to perform various functions. It can get affected with inflammation (tendonitis) or a tear. A rotator cuff tear is a common condition which can happen following an injury, orcan be related to wear and tear. It can cause pain, restricted movement and weakness in the shoulder joint. It can sometimes cause arthritis (Rotator cuff arthropathy). Most of the time, it can be treated non-operatively with painkillers, physiotherapy, and steroid injection. Ifsymptoms are not improving you will be advised surgical treatment, this can range from arthroscopic surgery such as a rotator cuff repair, superior capsular reconstruction or a joint replacement. Your specialist will advise you regarding surgery in the case of an acute tear, or for young patients.