Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is about monitoring duties and maintaining database of all Employees by inculcating regulatory policies and making use of the right technology. The HR Management system can be effectively managed using ClassMentor ERP software.

Online HRMS Module
All in one Staff/Teachers Management in ClassMentor
Staff management is also equally important for institutions now a days as it consumes school management’s time and so one cannot focus on his core tasks of academics. In ClassMentor we have everything integrated starting from Academic Calendar, holidays for staff, Leave management, daily attendance (manual/biomateric machine/walkthrough), punch in out report, salary components, Salary slip, PF, TDS and all compliance reports.
Employee Record
A repository of all employees data in one place to manage various daily activities, performance management, leaves of absence, salary to be paid and various employment-related agreements.
The automation of multiple and time consuming tasks related to human resources management will save time and monetary resources of the company. This will enable the company to shift the focus on the overall development of their employees and will ultimately lead to the prosperous growth of the company.
Leave Tracker & Happy Holidays
Still relying on spreadsheets to manage your staff’s leave information? Give your leave tracking process a digital touch. ClassMentor ERP software helps you process Sick leave, Paid leave, holidays, family and medical leave, compensatory leave, and other leave programs offered to eligible employees. Use it as a standalone app, or as part of a human resource management system. Infact, every leave application is automated and each employee can access their own leave and holiday information, so they can plan and request their leave with their available balance. When an employee applies for a leave, it even notifies the Owner of the institute through SMS or App notification so they can Approve or Reject the same.
Assign your academic calendar for the entire institute and set your holidays and vacation period within the same calendar. Using this you can also bulk assign day off in a week for the entire academic year. This can be set for individual or multiple classrooms.
Salary Generation
Our salary management system will automatically calculate all data for every component of the Employee’s Salary, whether its allowances or deductions. Now you can finally get rid of that calculator you have on your desk. Features such as salary structure templates, preset statutory rules, up-to-date tax slabs, simplified workflow, integration with attendance and leaves management and much more – will make payroll management easy to use.
A printed copy/PDF of the generated salary can be sent to the Employees through email. The LWP leaves and custom allowance/deductions can be set for an employee at the time of generating the Salary.
Salary Analytics
Institute owner can know the last month total spending on salary with job category wise details. HR Analytics module provides you more comprehensive and analytical data – helping HR teams and management make important decisions based on real insights.